giovedì 24 luglio 2014

Share or die...

Yesterday I took part for StroNGER in Share or die, a pitching event for entrepreneurs and incubators organized by BIC Lazio (ITech) in Tecnopolo Tiburtino.
All incubators from the Lazio region participated, and the event concluded with an open space party.
Although I did not get to pitch (only one business proposal for each incubator was randomly drawn for the pitching event), I prepared a 5 minute powerpoint and a 45 sec video (all videos were projected in loop outside during the event) for PiezoTSensor, a new product currently under development by StroNGER at ITech in collaboration with ESA (the European Space Agency).


Below, some photos from the event and the open space party that took place afterwards.


giovedì 17 luglio 2014


On July 11, I gave a presentation at the department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (in the faculty of Architecture), on topics of my research (Sustainability and Energy Harvesting).
The presentation is part of a series of seminars from post-docs of the department, from an idea of Prof. Paolone (coordinator of the Ph.D. course in structural engineering), organized in collaboration with Anna Reggio (representing the Post-docs) and Omar Alshawa, and is organized with two contributions for each day. On that day, Francesco Cavalieri also gave a very interesting presentation on disaster resilience.
The seminar announcement

The seminar was an excellent occasion to obtain feedback on my research from colleagues and Professors who attended.


mercoledì 16 luglio 2014


Work-spaces... work-places...
Changed many, sometimes temporarily, sometimes just knowing that I would come back, (often) believing that the absence will be unbearable, many of them I forgot...

Co.Re. Ingegneria, Roma (2005)

Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Georg-August-Universität Gottingen (2009)

SMC center, Harbin Institute of Technology (2010)

Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2012)

My home!

Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome


domenica 6 luglio 2014

Fragility analysis for the Performance-Based Design of cladding wall panels subjected to blast load

A paper on the fragility analysis of cladding wall panels subjected to blast load was published (available online) in Engineering Structures.

The paper was prepared by Pierluigi and Francesco and my involvement was as a third author.
I had the opportunity to present preliminary results from this research at the ICOSSAR conference in New York last year.

Francesco is involved as a guest editor of Engineering Structures for a special issue from a mini symposium he organized at the same conference with Michele Barbato of Luisiana State University and Alessandro Palmeri of Loughborough University .

Uncertain parameters of vehicle borne improvised explosive device scenarios
Olmati P, Petrini F, Gkoumas K. Fragility analysis for the Performance-Based Design of cladding wall panels subjected to blast load. Engineering Structures (2014); DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.06.004

sabato 5 luglio 2014

Disaster resilience @Uniroma1

Last week we hosted at the University a 2-day workshop on Disaster Resilience, a very hot topic in EU research nowadays.
Together with some of my colleagues we participated in some very interesting discussion and had the chance to present some interesting concepts.
The workshop was only the starting point for an enduring collaboration on the topic.

Me presenting at the workshop the research activities of our group
My colleague Stefania giving a presentation

Group picture at lunch during the first day