IF CRASC ’15, the Second
Congress on Forensic Engineering and the Sixth Congress on Collapses,
Reliability and Retrofit of Structures, concluded today at the Faculty of Civil and
Industrial Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome. Together with my colleagues at StroNGER srl (principal sponsor of the event) we have prepared a Facebook
page with news from the conference: https://www.facebook.com/IFCRASC15
The conference was a great success, with more than 80 presentations, and 150 delegates.
On top of being a member of the organizing committee, I contributed with four papers:
On top of being a member of the organizing committee, I contributed with four papers:
Milana, G., Olmati, P., Gkoumas, K. Scenario Based Structural Robustness Assessment of Tall Diagrid Structures.
- Olmati, P., Gkoumas, K. Simplified FEM Modelling for the Collapse Assessment of a Masonry Vault.
- Di Santo, C., Gkoumas, K., Bontempi. F. Risk analysis for severe traffic accidents in road tunnels (Part I).
- Di Santo, C., Gkoumas, K. Risk analysis for severe traffic accidents in road tunnels (Part II).
badge |
group photo at lunch break |
Roberta Fornari performing during the first day cocktail
we had firefighters too... |
... here with Ms D'Angelo, Head of the Civil Protection of the Rome Municipality |
Carmine giving his talk |
Ms D'Angelo, Head of the Civil Protection of the Rome Municipality, session chairman |
Giulia giving her talk |
my colleague Francesco acting as chairman |
the conference poster |