On the eve of Orthodox Easter, I am on my way back to Athens from the Ciampino Airport in
Rome. I spend a few busy days in Rome, full of meetings and getting
together with my colleagues.
Earlier today, I took part in a workshop on parametric design, I helped organize
in our Faculty. It was great fun with the participation of
about 30 students from the Technical University of Denmark and 15 students from
the Sapienza University of Rome, who formed mixed groups. The Danish students from DTU Civil
are on a 5-day visit to Rome.
Kristjan from Ramboll UK, and Salma, Kareem and Mariam from our
University acted as tutors.
Hopefully I will land in Athens at around 00.30 on Holy
Sunday to spend the Orthodox Easter and Easter Monday!
Workshop poster |
@ the workshop |
@ the workshop |
@ the workshop |